EP: 012 Finding Your Purpose in Life: The Japanese Secret of Ikigai w/ Neil Bage

EP: 012 Finding Your Purpose in Life: The Japanese Secret of Ikigai w/ Neil Bage
Finding Your Purpose in Life w/ Neil Bage and Host Jim Grace

On this episode I talk with Neil Bage about Ikigai, the Japanese concept that combines the words "Iki" or "Life" and "Gai" or "Worth".  Combined, the word Ikigai means, "That which gives your life worth, meaning, or purpose".

Here is our full conversation on YouTube...

You can also find audio versions on places like Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

The words "purpose" and "meaning" seem to be appearing everywhere lately. Which is why I was so interested in talking with Neil about Ikigai. Although, finding purpose and living a life filled with meaning are important things to pursue, these concepts can sometimes feel difficult to approach.  

Exploring Ikigai can be a helpful way to start thinking about the things that are most important to you and how you want to be spending your time.

During the conversation we delve into... 

  • The 4 key elements of Ikigai
    • What you love.
    • What you can get paid for.
    • What the world needs.
    • What you are good at.
The four key elements of Ikigai
  • How the concept connects to our financial world.
  • Why balancing what we love and how we get paid can be challenging and how to reconcile some of the conflicts we find in our lives

... And much more.


  • To improve his Financial Wellbeing Neil focuses on automation and using apps like https://www.getchip.uk/. He finds this helps to off load some of the demands of managing his finances on a regular basis and frees up space for other more important things in life, like taking a walk on the beach with his wife and dog.